"ABC" of glycosylated Hb (Hb1c):
Glucose binds to Amino terminal of Beta Chain.
"HbF binds Forcefully":
HbF binds oxygen more forcefully than HbA,
so Oxy-Hbdissociation curve shifts to left.
Stored blood is SOS:
Stored blood Hb binds to Oxygen Strongly because
of decrease in 2,3 BPG.
2,3 BPG binding site is BBC:
BPG binds to Beta Chain of Hb.
Myoglobin binding strength is MOM:
Myoglobin binds Oxygen More strongly than Hb.
Glucose binds to Amino terminal of Beta Chain.
"HbF binds Forcefully":
HbF binds oxygen more forcefully than HbA,
so Oxy-Hbdissociation curve shifts to left.
Stored blood is SOS:
Stored blood Hb binds to Oxygen Strongly because
of decrease in 2,3 BPG.
2,3 BPG binding site is BBC:
BPG binds to Beta Chain of Hb.
Myoglobin binding strength is MOM:
Myoglobin binds Oxygen More strongly than Hb.